Thursday, July 15, 2010

Square of Opposition

All of these TERMS!  Contradictories makes sense.  If one thing is true, the other can't be.   So when you say "Some are" or "Some are not" you do not have a contrary.  Fine, so far.  Subcontraries are different. Something is a subcontrary when there is no way that both can be false.  So, in spite of the fact that "some cats meow" and "some cats don't meow" might seem to be opposites, they aren't. so, subcontraries?   Four kinds of statements.

The essential reasoning is:  If All Cats meow, then obvously, some cats meow.  If no cats don't meow, then some cats don't meow.   If some cats don't meow, then some cats do meow.

Yes, It's confusing.

If Some cats don't meow, then all cats meow is false.
If some cats meow, then all cats don't meow is false.
This circle of reasoning was put into a square by the Aristotelians to try to make it clearer.  It did help with understanding the concepts. Putting it to practical use may be an interesting exercise.


  1. I understood the first part but after you stated subcontraries I kind of got lost, your right it is confusing at times. But I do understand the concept a little more now. The example in the end made it very clear.
    So here's my example:
    If some birds don't speak, than all birds speak is false.
    If some birds speak, then all birds don't speak is false.
    I think it works as well.

  2. Wow! This is very confusing!!! It looks like you were confused about it as well. Nice job explaining it as best you could. In general this critical thinking is very complicated for me and I am having a hard time comprehending it all. I like the last part of this blog because you state the arguments again but line by line so it is easier to follow. Subcontradictories are very confusing. I do not know how someone would be able to put this into an everyday situation by just thinking about it off the top of their head! I think who ever made this up had way too much time on their hands. Nice work!

  3. I like how you picked this concept because this is challenging but you did a great job in explaining it the best that you could. When I first read this concept, my head started hurting because it's like reading in a circle. I just couldn't seem to get it! But after I read your post, it make a lot more sense. I think subcontraries is a everyday thing because I notice that when people try to lie in an argument, they say things that doesn't make sense at all! Just like going around in circles. But honestly, I think that subcontraries is useless because whoever is speaking like that need to stop because they're making everything more complicated than it is! Again, great job on this post.
