Thursday, July 29, 2010

Median, Mode, Average

These are interesting concepts that I remember from my beginning statistics class. 
Median:  If you have a bunch of numers in set   (1,3,4, 3,2,5,4,2,3,4,5,3,6,3) and put them in order, you have one 1, two 2s, five 3s, three 4s, two 5s,, one 6.  How many numbers do you have? 13.  So, if you divide 13 by 2, you get 6.5.  The seventh number from the top or bottom is smack in the middle. That is the median.  The number that occurs most often (in this case, 3) is the mode.

So the average is left.  That's when you add all the numbers up and divide by the number of numbers. So let's see, added together, 1 get 48 divided by 13 = 3.69 or round up to 4.

median = 7
average = 4
mode = 3

Depending on what your're talking about, using the right one can make a lot of difference.


  1. Knowing these three types of math concepts can be beneficial in our daily lives. I like how you clearly defined each of them and gave examples for them as well.

    Being aware of these concept will help us on choices especially when it comes to shopping. If we want to know the average cost of groceries, all you have to do is just add all the prices of each item and divide them by the total number of items.
    Let's just say an ice cream carton cost $4, bananas(total cost of lbs) was $3, frozen veggie bad was $3.00. The total of those items would be $10. Since there were three items, you would divide the total price by how many items there were; 10/3=$3.33

  2. Yes. Mode is most often helpful for voting - which choice gets the most votes?

    Median is good if your ordering things like people in a choir, where you want the tallest in the middle.
