Friday, June 25, 2010

Internet Ads - Unstated Argument

This ad displays very little information. The visual juxtaposition of the tree shadow and the column are startling. They grab attention. This ad is designed to get the viewer first to examine the ad in detail and then to deeply consider the need for resource conservation. In this case, there is a particular desire to save trees. It may be an anti-logging ad, but if this were so I’d expect a different type of tree in the image – perhaps a redwood. Use of the palm shows a more general sentiment.

Is there a truth in this advertising? Here, the image portrays the message. Nothing CAN replace a tree. See? This post we erected does not do it. Neither can anything else.

The way one evaluates this ad depends on their initial point of view. Anyone who strongly feels that conservationists are alarmists may be captivated by the image, but will probably be more amused than convinced. This ad is aimed at catching the already convinced and bolstering their commitment. It may also be aimed at those who are undecided, hoping to pique their interest and encourage more involvement in the conservation cause.

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