Monday, June 14, 2010

Subjective and Objective Claims

Use an example from outside of the classroom. Discuss Subjective and Objective Claims. Give an example of a Subjective Claim you have heard or used recently AND give an example of an Objective Claim you have heard or used recently. Describe the situation. Describe the claims in detail.

I was on the phone, speaking with my brother, CD and his wife, RG planning a weekend visit. RG said they would come here to go mattress shopping and attend a drawing marathon at the local Community Center. I suggested inviting my other brother, JA and his family over for dinner on Saturday night. I said "That would mean 2 young girls in my tiny house, but we can have a barbeque outside"

RG said that if we invited them over, she would feel obliged to provide entertainment, as that is her livelihood. I said she didn't need to do that. The parents would keep a close eye on them. RG countered "Then we'll have a couple of screaming kids running around'" She said that the only way to avoid this outcome was for her to entertain = and she was not enthusiastic. " Those parents don't let their children scream for very long", I said.

Subjective: "Then we'll have a couple of screaming kids running around".
This was a feeling and expectation stated as fact. Her experience with these particular children was minimal, and occurred more than a year ago when they were substantially more immature. However, she has extensive experience with young children in general and has formed a vision of what would occur - she has a strong argument.

Objective: "That would mean 2 young girls in my tiny house, but we can have a barbeque outside."
This was objective, it is true or false. Yes, there would be 2 young girls and yes, we could have a barbeque outside.

Both Claims have truth value. The Subjective claim has value to RG. It is based on her experience. She is sure it is true. I'm not so sure. It does not jibe with what I have recently seen of these particular children when their parents are around.

The Objective Claim is has general truth value. My house is tiny. There are 2 young girls. We can have a barbeque outside. Well, the "my house is tiny" is subjective.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your example of subjective and objective claims. You used a story in which made me look for the objective and subjective claims before you had stated. This is what we would have to do when reading an article as well as for our group projects that we are currently working on. Reading your conversation gave me good practice to find the objective and subjective claim. Having more examples like this one for future postings would be beneficial to read. You also used great explanation as to why you thought those statements where objective or subjective. Both your subjective and objective claims are true to what they mean.
