Wednesday, June 9, 2010


What's important in an introduction?

First, let me say that Myoho means Mystic. I chose the name not because I am a mystic. but because I believe it is important to remain aware of how mysterious life is. When you think about the little blobs of protien and chemicals that make us up, it truly is miraculous that we can move and develop.

My experience in communication is primarily based in communicating facts. I need to create documents and presentations where the content is king. As you may be able to tell, this is not a direction I take without some effort. I love to embelish. I love words - the sounds, the varied meanings, the derivations.

My background includes training and experience in Occupational Therapy, Human Factors, Ergonomics and Project Management. Currently I'm working as an Analyst with some project management. Far from the mystic, you might say. However I find mystery every day in life's little experiences.

A few years ago (maybe 10) I took up drawing and painting. Much to my surprize, I was good at it. Drawing is a very mystical experience - especially drawing plants. After a drawing session, the way I see the world is transformed. Everything is sharper, clearer. Color is more intense. Focus is cleaner. It's a kick!


  1. hi! lol i like how you said that life is a mystery and i have to agree with you on that!

  2. Hey,
    You should check out some of Kahlil Gibran or Rumi's work, I think you would like them :)

  3. Hey there!

    I like your take on life.
    I also think its great how you've had experience in OT!

    -little miss daisy

  4. You write like you're an artist, I dig it!
