Monday, August 9, 2010

What I Learned from the Class

Much to my surprise, I found I really like to blog. I can see how people get hooked on it and spend all their spare time reaching out through e-space.  It's quite an intriguing concept and a very interesting experience. 

I also learned that I need to be very careful not to step on toes and to hold back when I dealing with people I don't have face to face contact with, especially until a relationship is established.  I need to stifle my own feelings of 'the product will be inadequate unless I fix it'...even though it may, if I fix it, it subverts the group process.  And I think a large part of this class was the group process.

When I think of the people new to the workforce, they seem to have a totally different outlook on life than the students in this class. Part of this, I'm sure is focus.  At work, one has only the goal of work in mind (essentially) - for an extended period. While in class, it only takes up a small proportion of time, so it requires less dedication and attention. 


  1. You and I are on the same boat about our thoughts on blogging! I find it really useful and it does get super addicting. I agree with you that after taking this online course, I definitely made sure I don't step on people's toes because I don't know them at all! We all have a different way when approaching to things and how we handle them but people's feelings should always be considered no matter what. I also agree with you that a huge part of the group process is stepping up and taking charge if something needs to be done or else the grade will be on the line!

  2. Yup, I have to agree with you guys as well. Blogging is def something new, new in the sense that I've never had to do it for a class. It's a great experience and I would highly recommend other student to take this class! When you think about it, your right, there is a lot of group interaction activites, like commenting on other blogs, or the two assignments. So yea and I really enjoyed reading your blogs and commenting on it. Good luck in the fall semester!
