Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nonsense - So YOU say!

In winter. when the fields are white
I'll sing a song for your delight.
In Spring, when things are getting green
I'll try to tell you what I mean.

In Summer, when the days are Long,
Perhaps you'll understand this song.
In Autumn, when the leaves turn brown
Take pen and ink and write it down.
.......from Lewis Caroll

What is better on a sunny day than a little nonsense?  In fact, what is better on ANY day?
Nonsense brings whimsy to a dull day and a hint of lightness into the mundane world.
Nonsense makes the monotonous bearable, and the everyday enjoyable.

Although this poem continues and expresses some rather dark and angry sentiments, the pure inventiveness transforms it into an interesting narative.

I sent a message to the fish
I told them THIS is what I wish.
The little fishes of the sea
they sent an answer back to me.
The little fishes answer was,
"we cannot do it sir, because..."

I sent to them again to say
it would be better to obey."

(This is where the tide begins to turn)

The fishes answered with a grin
"My what a temper you are in"
I told them once, I told them twice.
They would not listen to advice.

The tale goes on, there is a planned murder.  The murder is thwarted by a door:

When I found the door was locked
I kicked and screamed and pushed and knocked....
And when I found the door was SHUT,
I tried to turn the handle, but...."

And the poem ends.  Do you have days like that?  I occasionally do.